Links for application developers

Interfaces for cleanup plans are available for application developers. The data is openly licensed under the CC 4.0 BY license, which means that the data can be used freely as long as you mention the original source.

A file with the following information on future cleaning targets is available at

  • Street cleaning date
  • Street name
  • Description (free text of the clean-up plan administrator, usually street spacing by address numbers)
  • Postal code (if the street section passes through several postal code areas, more lines will appear)
  • Location information: latitude
  • Location information: longitude

Location information uses WGS84-standard.

The file is updated daily at 16:05, when the next day's cleaning targets are known at the latest.

The addresses below provide HTTP queries for cleaning plans with the following information:

  • Street cleaning date
  • Postal code (if the street section passes through several postal code areas, more lines will appear)
  • Street name
  • Description (free text of the clean-up plan administrator, usually street spacing by address numbers)
